09:30 - 12:00

Plenary session

One-to-one meetings

Pure networking

Organize your privileged networking meetings for 2h30!

12:00 - 13:00


Welcome + Lunch cocktail

13:00 - 13:30


Opening speech


Opening of the 8th Nutraceuticals and Innovation Congress

Cécile Maigne •Laboratoires NHCO Nutrition - Groupe Chiesi

13:30 - 14:30

Plenary session

Markets focus: Italy / France

Growth opportunities for nutraceuticals in Italy and France

Nicolas Grelaud •OpenHealth Company

Exploring the Italian and French markets for food supplements, driver in Europe.

Luca Perfetto •Fablab Italy

Why is the Italian market the biggest in Europe?

What are its consumers' expectations?

Anna Crupi •ASSOIntegratori + Pharmalife Research

14:30 - 14:45

Innovation pitch

Pitch Innovation #1

FruiteX-B®: Unlock Long-Lasting Mobility Enhancement at a Low Dose

Snezhana Kirina •vaneeghen

14:45 - 15:30


Pause networking

15:30 - 16:30

Plenary session

Concept #1 – Children & teens

Do children and teenagers need dietary supplements?


Are children and teenagers consumers like any others?


How a brand can meet parents’ expectations and children’s needs

Caitlyn Vanderhaeghe •Kidstar Nutrients

Changes in the product offering

Charles Velluet •Pharmalinea

16:30 - 16:45

Innovation pitch

Pitch Innovation #2

Univestin®: A Researched, Plant-based solution for Fast Acting Joint Support

Roxane Le Lain •Lehvoss France

16:45 - 17:30

Panel discussion

Emerging markets in nutraceutics

Male and female libido: consumer expectations and brand responses

Anne Renaud •Labophyto

When science and artificial intelligence fuel connected health

Marie-Laure Bruckert •Nuritas

Epigenetics and nutrigenomics, new tools for nutraceuticals

Marimiina Pykälistö •Nordic Genex - Génie Santé

17:30 - 17:45

Plenary session

Keynote presentation

KSM-66 Ashwagandha: The Global Blockbuster for Mind & Body

Fabiola Emser •Natsana GmbH

17:45 - 18:30

Plenary session

Global overview of dietary supplement launches

Consumer behaviour in the global dietary supplements market

Magda Starula •Euromonitor International

Decoding ingredient trends driving innovation

Grégory Dubourg •Nutrikéo

19:30 - 00:00


Cocktail reception

09:00 - 10:15

Panel discussion

The future of nutraceuticals

Institut Rafaël: 1st European centre for integrative medicine/health

Sheherazade Boyer Tami •Institut Rafaël

Integrative health and non-drug therapies: complementary approaches to good health

Dr. Alain Toledano •Institut Rafaël

Are dietary supplements “health” products like any others?

Luc Besançon •NèreS

The present and future of nutraceuticals

Nicolas Cappelaere •Synadiet

10:15 - 10:30

Innovation pitch

Pitch Innovation #3

Revolutionizing Nutrient Delivery: Exploring BART’s Liposomal Innovations

Katarzyna Czapska •Bart

10:30 - 11:15


Networking break

11:15 - 12:30

Plenary session

Concept #2 – Mental health at 360°

How to support mental fatigue, the neuro-biological mechanisms of acute and chronic fatigue, and exploring how to manage it

Dr. Marine Colombel •Établissement public de santé Barthélemy Durand

Brain-gut axis: Focus on psychobiotics

Ted Dinan •University College Cork

Lipids, brain and cognitive decline: a vast universe still to be discovered

Pr. Richard Bazinet •Université de Toronto

Vitamin K, an ally for cognition in old age

Guylaine Ferland •Montral University

12:30 - 12:45

Innovation pitch

Pitch Innovation #4

Improving mineral absorption through chelation: a case study of Ferrochel

Jane Durga •Balchem

12:45 - 14:00


Networking lunch

14:00 - 15:00

Panel discussion

Clinical studies and level of evidence

Creating a Future of Personalized Wellness Powered by Proof

Pelin Thorogood •Radicle Science

Ex-vivo studies: their contribution to nutraceutical innovation

Dr. Yohann Wittrant •Clinic&Cell / INRAE

Proof of efficacy for dietary supplements: what brands expect

Angélique Houlbert •Micro-nutritionniste

How to translate clinical evidence into innovative products

Dr. Sybille Buchwald-Werner •Vital Solutions by Fytexia

15:00 - 15:15

Innovation pitch

Pitch Innovation #5

ABB C24: Harnessing Pre- and Postbiotic Synergy for Enhanced Gut Transit and Health

Clarisa Mielle •AB Biotek Health

15:15 - 16:00


Networking break

16:00 - 17:00

Plenary session

Decoding the nutricosmetics universe

Diving into the heart of “In & Out” science

Samik Ghosh •Iom Bioworks

Nutricosmetics as seen by consumers

Ana De Lemos •Syres

Does the cosmetic/nutritional ingredient continuum exist?

Jean-Yves Berthon •Greentech

How do In & Out enrich each other?

Bénédicte Cantecor •Pharma&Beauty Group

17:00 - 17:15

Innovation pitch

Pitch Innovation #6

Towards a holistic approach to health and well-being : postbiotics and their revolutionary potential

Victor Maria Guelbenzu •Kerry

17:00 - 18:00

Plenary session

Out of the box

Extreme adventure: how nutrition contributes to the success of expeditions to the North Pole

Nathan Goffart •Nanok Expedition

19:30 - 00:00


NFBD party

09:30 - 11:30



Export – Constraints and opportunities

Violaine Chaumont / Olivier Raimond •RNI / BellaVie

From brand identity to packaging, how to build effective communication

Sandra Joly Guicheteau / Stephen Robert •Lonsdale Design / Pharmadvisor

11:30 - 12:30

Panel discussion

Pharmacies/brands: what kind of win-win relationship?

Between inflation and consumer satisfaction, the new challenges facing pharmacies

David Syr •Cégédim Pharma - Gers Data

Branded products: challengers today, leaders tomorrow?

Christina Tzikas •Groupement PharmaVie

How to set up a pharmacy

Marie De Boyer d’Eguilles •Délicure

Success Story: the keys to a successful move into pharmacy

Théo Heude •Hydratis - Club start up Pharma

12:30 - 12:45

Innovation pitch

Pitch Innovation #7

A key product in your formulations now available from plant sources

Gontran Gaillot •Becarre Natural

12:45 - 13:15

Plenary session

Brands awards

Presentation of the 1st Food Supplement Awards – Products and Brands

Evaluation criteria in progress

13:15 - 13:30

